The Ancient Outskirts

Full playthrough of the level.

2D Map of the level. (Click to open.)


Follow Knit and Ytric into unknown lands against unforeseen threats while they learn to share a single consciousness.
A third person, melee combat, action-adventure level.

Level Design work:

  • Built level blockout, created 2D map, planned combat spaces and encounters, designed puzzles.
  • Playtested thoroughly and iterated according to feedback.
  • Main objectives: Introduce the player to Knit and Ytric's story and core gameplay mechanics. Hook the player with large-scale, exciting revelations.

Additional tasks:

  • Prototyped melee combat system, enemy AI behaviors, interactive puzzle elements, custom gameplay mechanics.
  • Conceptualized and scripted narrative moments.


  • Solo Project
  • Unreal Engine 4 (used Blueprints for scripting)
  • Maya (used for entire blockout)

~ Process ~

Cutting content I loved to focus on the level's most important aspects

Before: A side area full of extra content.

After: Only the combat remains.

  • Originally, right after draining the lake at the end of the level, players would enter this area that contained many paths to explore.
    • It was separate from the lake, but I loved how it wrapped up many ideas that earlier moments in the level built towards.
  • The problem: Even though I really liked the content in the area, I found while playtesting that the area as a whole detracted from the pacing through this final sequence.
    • Draining the lake contains the most important revelations in the level, and the spaces it opens up should be the focus of the level's final sequences.
  • The solution: I tried a few layout changes while attempting to keep the content, but ultimately I realized that prolonging the player's entrance into the drained lake area made for pacing that was too slow and diminished the impact of the finale. I decided that cutting it all was best for the level.

Iterating on an area to create a memorable identity

Before: Nondescript land masses.

After: A submerged temple.

The lake drain cutscene, revealing the submerged temple.

  • Originally, the lake area consisted of nondescript chunks of land sticking out. Players traverse over one section, and then after draining, areas to explore open up and the exit to the level appears.
  • The problem: Revealing this area was not as exciting as I wanted, and some players did not even remember passing through the area earlier in the level.
  • The solution: Creating a clear identity for the area - a submerged temple - solved both those issues. This also naturally expanded on the main feature of the area, that being the Bygone Tree and the submerged structure that it sits on.

Prototyping mechanics to enhance the level

The final boss, protecting the entrance to the Ancient Woods.

Prototyping a boss battle to communicate my vision for the level's finale

  • My goals for this final battle:
    1. End the level with an epic fight that serves as the final obstacle to the Ancient Woods.
    2. Introduce the second main enemy type, ancient magical creatures, which will appear more in other levels.
    3. Expand on the combat mechanics that were introduced throughout the level: dodging projectiles and attacks, throwing and attacking with the sword.

The protected ancient chest with "bullet-hell"-like mechanics.

Creating a challenge that can be expanded throughout the game

  • Originally, this area contained a combat encounter that occurred shortly after the level's combat introduction.
  • The problem: Players felt that the pacing through the middle of the level was too combat focused. But, I did not have existing mechanics that adequately filled this space in the level, so I sought to create an additional challenge that sat between puzzle and combat.
  • The solution: After several prototypes, I created this protected "bullet-hell" chest that focuses on my dodging pillar of combat.
    • This mechanic is particularly exciting to me because of how it may be reused and expanded on further in the game with new projectiles and situations.

Ytric casts his beam to unlock access to new areas.

Creating a mechanic that enhances a character's narrative thread

  • Originally, Ytric's beam was used only once in the level, and for a rather minor purpose.
  • The problem: Ytric's role in the level was quite passive, and it was difficult for players to follow his narrative progression when his contributions were so nebulous.
  • The solution: I created these simple locked gates that Ytric's beam opens, tying his ability usage directly to progression in the level.
    • This altered some early pacing, where I made an optional narrative event mandatory, and had Ytric unlock his beam through it.
    • Making this event part of the main path meant I could deliver important information through it, and I believe the foundation for Ytric's storyline became stronger because of it.

Applying what I learned from studying God of War

(Click to open high-res image.)

(Click to open high-res image.)

  • First third: The level begins with an emphasis on introducing exploration and becoming comfortable controlling the characters in the world. The two main narrative threads have their foundation here as well:
    • Thread 1: Ytric's connections to these lands as he slowly grows in power.
    • Thread 2: Who the enemies are, their abilities, and what they might be after.
  • Second third: Once the player is getting comfortable in the world, the threats and the narrative progress in intensity. Through the middle of the level, I aimed to show the player the types of experiences that they can expect the full (hypothetical) game to offer, such as:
    • Grand puzzles involving Ytric's magic beam and Knit's boomerang sword.
    • Additional challenge chests, new enemy types, and unlocking new abilities.
  • Final third: The level ends with the greatest expansion, both of the world they will soon traverse and of Ytric's potential.
    • I wanted to hook the player firmly with a climactic revelation as Ytric somehow causes the lake to drain, opening up gameplay spaces.
    • The level closes with an epic battle against a massive monster that guards the entrance to the ancient woods.