Hi there! I am a Level Designer.

Main Project (if you make one stop on my site, make it here!)

The Ancient Outskirts

Follow Knit and Ytric into unknown lands against unforeseen threats while they learn to share a single consciousness.
A third person, melee combat, action-adventure level.

Level Design work:

  • Built level blockout with Maya, designed 2D map, planned combat spaces and encounters, designed puzzles.
  • Playtested thoroughly and iterated according to feedback.
  • Main objectives: Introduce the player to Knit and Ytric's story and core gameplay mechanics. Hook the player with large-scale, exciting revelations.

Additional tasks:

  • Prototyped melee combat system, enemy AI behaviors, interactive puzzle elements, custom gameplay mechanics.
  • Conceptualized and scripted narrative moments.


  • Solo Project
  • Unreal Engine 4 (used Blueprints for scripting)
  • Maya (used for entire blockout)

Additional Projects

Hidden Sails Resort (In Progress)

Invade an island and overcome platforming and combat challenges in open-ended areas.
An FPS/Platformer level.

Level Design work:

  • Built the level blockout with Maya; designed a 2D Map; designed encounter areas and navigation challenges; set up test scenarios for prototyping movement and other metrics in practical situations.
  • Collected playtest data and used it to iterate on layouts and mechanics.
  • Main objective: Create areas with memorable identities that intrigue and encourage exploration.

Additional tasks:

  • Prototyped player movement mechanics, weapons, basic enemy AI behaviors, and dynamic level features.


  • Solo Project
  • Unreal Engine 4 (used Blueprints for scripting)
  • Maya (used for entire blockout)

The Lavafall Facility

Battle through the lava caves for a chance at reaching the looming lavafall facility.
A fast paced FPS level built in the game

Level Design work:

  • Used the in-game level editor to design geometry; script combat encounters, puzzles, and animate narrative moments; and apply final textures and art.
  • Created unique mechanics that augmented the level without disturbing the core gameplay.


  • Solo Project
  • Built with the in-game level editor in the game Prodeus.